The Issues
Before reading where I stand on the issues I want to share two things.
I filter everything I believe through God’s Word. He promises in James to give wisdom to all who ask. I ask frequently. James 1:5 “ If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
When speaking on the Issues to anyone whether they agree or disagree I would like to follow
Titus 3: 2 “To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.”
Economy and Jobs
It is imperative that we continue to expand workforce development opportunities across the state, implementing wise policy that moves our economy forward. As your senator, it will be my priority to fight for policies that create more jobs and economic success for the people of Northwest Arkansas. We need to remove barriers and find tax reform for small business and local farmers so they can continue to add value to our communities.
Spending and Taxes
Government is spending too much money, and the result is the worst inflation this country has seen since the early 1980s. It is the responsibility of elected leaders to be good stewards of our tax dollars. We must make sound financial decisions to protect our economy, communities, and families. Families must live within their means and so should government. We need to run our government more like a business by reducing waste while always working towards adding value.
Arkansas families need to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets. When we lower taxes, our economy prospers. We also need to stay competitive with our neighboring states. This means we need to continue to lower our state income tax, which I will vote to do as your state senator. I will always believe that YOU know how to spend your hard-earned money better than anyone in Little Rock.
In Arkansas, violent crimes have exceeded the national rate for the 16th straight year, and we are now witnessing one of the highest murder rates since the early 1990s. Now more than ever, the role of law enforcement is crucial. As your senator, I will emphasize “truth in sentencing”, making sure that those who are convicted serve their time. I support expansion of our prison facilities, making the space needed to alleviate our county jail overcrowding issue. Our officers risk their lives every day, and I will be an advocate for incentives and increased pay for their hard work and bravery.
Conservative Family Values
Each life is fearfully and wonderfully made. As elected officials, we must make it a priority to advocate for the most vulnerable, valuing and protecting each life that God has created. I am 100% pro-life. The “right to life” is a foundational principle that our country was built on and I will fight to protect that right.
I am also opposed to divisive and dangerous rhetoric such as Critical Race Theory. I will support policies that teach reading, writing, and arithmetic in schools, and not Marxist ideology that promotes division.
To better protect our children, parental involvement in our school systems needs to be a high priority and as your senator, I will vote to give parents more control and allow them to decide how best their children need to be educated. Parents know how best to provide for their kids, and we should be supporting them rather than removing their voice.
2nd Amendment
We see in foreign countries what happens when people lose the right to defend themselves from tyranny. Democrats are trying to strip our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. As Americans, it is critical that we maintain the liberties that our founders established over 200 years ago. I promise to uphold our deeply held values, and as your senator I promise to fight for our ability to protect our homes and loved ones.
I am tired of career politicians and Little Rock telling us how to live our lives.
I do not want the government to tell us how to live our lives, run our businesses, how to raise our kids, or when we can go to church. They should not be allowed to tell us what to put in our bodies or mandate any covid vaccinations.
I am for medical freedom.
Increasing our freedoms, eliminating government mandates, and allowing "WE THE PEOPLE" to live our lives is always best.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" - Ronald Reagan